Sunday 3 June 2012

Strange Day ....

... was planning on cycling up to town to watch the Jubilee River Pageant but decided to stay dry instead and watch from the comfort of my sofa . Glad I did really , because the day turned out to be surprisingly lovely in a homely kind of way.

Waffles for breakfast , in shifts, as both the boys had friends to stay so the breakfast, or rather brunch cooking, was a staggered affair.

Amazingly even the teens entered into the spirit of things and started making up lengths of paper chains for our street party on Tuesday. Undaunted by this spurt of out-of-character activity they then went on to bake chocolate chip cookies , whilst the younger ones tipped out the contents of the Coronation Jigsaw I bough the other day and began the hunt for the corner pieces.

I thought I must have fallen into some Enid Blytonesque parallel universe, but no, the camaraderie continued with a trip to the sports club for a game of squash and a swim ( them not me ) whilst H and I returned to the sofa with a bottle of crisp white wine and some Cromer crab. Could have been worse , could have been sat by the Thames in the rain. I know it's better to be there in person but sometimes , there is another , dryer and more comfortable way.

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