I only wish I could say this was my husband painting the next room on our list to be decorated ... fat chance. He'll be watching the rugby in the other room with a beer in one hand and the sports section of the newspaper in the other.

I refer to this room as the black hole of Calcutta ( must go check out what that actually is , it's an expression I use quite a lot ) . It has no windows as it would have been the dining room but thanks to the kitchen tagged on to the back of the house, what were the French windows are now just doors onto the kitchen. It's been great for TV watching and playstation gaming but I find it disconcerting that you can barely see your hand when you stick it out in front of you . The boys have trodden a decade's worth of popcorn into the carpet , there are nasty unidentified stains hidden under a rug that's seen better days ... oh and a rogue fox that squeezed itself through our cat flap a few summers ago chewed its way through the purple ( yes purple what was I thinking) leather reclining sofa that no longer reclined. It all had to go and not before time.
So ... I have flooded the room with light adding an additional overhead track with 5 more LV spots, the usual assortment of flatpack furniture and a new sofa is on its way ( on the never never ) from DFS. The painters are downstairs now and the carpet will be fitted tomorrow. That's all my hard earned cash since the summer blown in the twinkling of an eye.
Cute little cast iron fireplace but it doesn't half get in the way and the chimney isn't working so it's ornamental only
I shall update you shortly.
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